Ladies Championship Doubles
Times and Location
Thursday Afternoon 3 - 5, Charlotte Courts.
The Championship League will start January 23, 2025 and run until March 20, 2025
Set up
1) Teams must play together all session.
2) Top "A" players must choose a player below their level of skill. Players below the 3.5+ team may choose partners of equal ability.
3) The League will be set up in two flights and teams will play a round robin competition within their own flights, with semi-finals and finals at the end.
4) Flights and revision of rules will be decided by a panel of two.
1) All players must be members of the Maple Leaf Tennis club.
2) There will be no penalty for using a spare if one team member is unable to play. Try and find a spare at a similar playing level.
3) Players are to supply their own balls. Be Prepared
4) Should a team want to re-schedule a game they must...make arrangements with the other team.
5) If a team doesn’t show they forfeit, thereby receiving 0 points and the team that shows gets 11 points.
6) Games will be 1 hour or first team to score 11 points. A 5 minute warm up is included in that 1 hour. If a game is incomplete at the 1 hour time limit it doesn’t count. Only completed games count.
7) Scoring: Total games added. Each team is responsible for marking the number of games won on the schedule at the Charlotte board.
8) Playoffs will be decided depending on the number of teams participating.
Judy Simser
Phone: 941-979-9964